Information Technology

Primary Contact
(360) 546-9770
Campus CIO
Michael Stamper
(360) 546-9172
Jon Carr
Multimedia Coordinator
Engineering and Computer Science (VECS) 110
(360) 546-9711
Adam Dvorak
IT Customer Support
Classroom (VCLS) 214
(360) 546-9050
Michelle Eccles
Manager IT Academic Services
Classroom (VCLS) 225
(360) 546-9774
Scott Fraser
IT Business Analysis
Classroom (VCLS) 225
(360) 546-9440
IT Support Technician
Classroom (VCLS) 214
(360) 546-9770
Chuck Harrsch
Information Security Officer
Classroom (VCLS) 219
(360) 546-9771
Fiscal Specialist
Classroom (VCLS) 219
(360) 546-9223
Frank Lim
IT System Administration
Classroom (VCLS) 214
(360) 546-9509
Jessica McKee
Academic Technologist
Classroom (VCLS) 225
(360) 546-9506
Patti Paris
Operations and Support Services Manager
Classroom (VCLS) 214
(360) 546-9768
photo of Ryan Parker
IT System Administration
Classroom (VCLS) 214
(360) 546-9789
photo of Marty Randolph
IT Network and Telecommunications
Classroom (VCLS) 223
(360) 546-9772
Senior Network Engineer
Classroom (VCLS) 223
(509) 335-0539
Patrick Reiter
IT Sytem Administration
Classroom (VCLS) 223
(360) 546-9773
Chris Rhoads
IT Project Management
Classroom (VCLS) 225
(360) 546-9709
Michael Stamper
Campus Chief Information Officer
Classroom (VCLS) 219A
(360) 546-9172
Aaron Thorne
IT System Administration
Classroom (VCLS) 214
(360) 546-9798