Arts and Sciences

Pavithra Narayanan
(360) 546-9732


John Barber
Professor, Career Track
Multimedia (VMMC) 24
(360) 546-9645
Avantika Bawa
Professor of Art
Multimedia (VMMC) 102G
(360) 546-9415
Mike Berger
Associate Professor, Career Track
Science (VSCI) 230F
(360) 546-9347
John Bishop
Professor, School of Biological Sciences
Life Sciences (VLSB) 125M
(360) 546-9612
Multimedia (VMMC) 202
(360) 546-9416
Art Blume
Professor of Psychology
Classroom (VCLS) 208L
(360) 546-9414
Peter Boag
Professor and Columbia Chair in the History of the American West
Multimedia (VMMC) 102M
(360) 546-9719
Steve Bollens
Professor and Director of Meyer's Point Environmental Field Station
Science (VSCI) 230Q
(360) 546-9116
Andra Chastain
Assistant Professor of History
Multimedia (VMMC) 202K
(360) 546-9331
Renny Christopher
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Dengerink Administration Building (VDEN) 208
(360) 546-9583
Allison Coffin
Associate Professor of Neuroscience
Life Sciences (VLSB) 125J
(360) 546-9748
Cynthia D. Cooper, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Life Sciences (VLSB) 125H
(360) 546-9342
Georgina Cox
Assistant Professor, Career Track; School of Biological Sciences
Life Sciences (VLSB) 125E
(360) 546-9691
Alexander Dimitrov
Associate Professor
Library (VLIB) 210G
(360) 546-9385
Marcelo Diversi
Undergraduate (VUB) 332
(360) 546-9170
Laurie Drapela
Professor, Criminal Justice
Multimedia (VMMC) 102F
(360) 546-9485
Multimedia (VMMC) 30
Associate Professor
Multimedia (VMMC) 102E
(360) 546-9255
Jessica Fales
Associate Professor
Classroom (VCLS) 208E
(360) 546-9717
Susan Finley
Undergraduate (VUB) 328
Dale Fortin
Program Leader for Integrative Physiology and Neuroscience
Life Sciences (VLSB) 125D
(360) 546-9716
Steven Fountain
Assistant Professor, Career Track
Classroom (VCLS) 208T
(360) 546-9738
Gunjan Gakhar
Associate Professor, Career Track
Life Sciences (VLSB) 125C
(360) 546-9635
Iván González-Soto
Assistant Professor of History
Multimedia (VMMC) 202R
(503) 546-9449
Luz Maria Gordillo
Professor of History, Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Excellence in the College of Agriculture, Human and Natural Resource Sciences
Multimedia (VMMC) 202U
(360) 546-9099
Shiloh Green Soto
Assistant Professor, Career Track
Multimedia (VMMC) 202U
(360) 546-9874
Brenda Grell
Associate Professor, Career Track
Multimedia (VMMC) 26
(360) 546-9441
Colin Grier
Multimedia (VMMC) 202M
(360) 546-9734
Dene Grigar
Professor and Vancouver Campus Lead of Digital Technology and Culture Program
Multimedia (VMMC) 211A, 202G, 30
(360) 546-9487
Ed Hagen
Science (VSCI) 130Q
(360) 546-9257
John Harrison
Professor, School of the Environment (SoE)
Science (VSCI) 230B
(360) 546-9210
Desiree Hellegers
Professor of English and Director of Collective for Social and Environmental Justice
Multimedia (VMMC) 202V
(360) 546-9643
Steve Henderson
Associate Professor
Science (VSCI) 230L
(360) 546-9268
Nicole Hess
Scholarly Associate Professor
Science (VSCI) 130J
(360) 546-9104
Bonnie Hewlett
Scholarly Associate Professor
Science (VSCI) 130M
(360) 546-9577
Harrison Higgs
Associate Professor and Program Leader, Art
Multimedia (VMMC) 102N
(360) 546-9457
Melissa Jenkins
Assistant Professor, Career Track
Classroom (VCLS) 208A
(360) 546-9443
Marc Kramer
Associate Professor, School of the Environment
Science (VSCI) 230C
(360) 546-9452
Library (VLIB) 210P
(360) 546-9167
Paul Krouss
Professor, Career Track; Faculty Lead for Innovative Pedagogies
Library (VLIB) 210M
(360) 546-9384
Ben Ladd
Associate Professor
Classroom (VCLS) 208P
(360) 546-9723
Thabiti Lewis
Classroom (VCLS) 208U
(360) 546-9468
Meagan Lobnitz
Associate Professor of English, Career Track & Program Leader English
Multimedia (VMMC) 102W
(360) 546-9086
Carolyn Long
Associate Professor of the School of Politics, Philosophy and Public Affairs
Multimedia (VMMC) 102A
(360) 546-9737
Anthony Lopez
Associate Professor
Multimedia (VMMC) 202X
(360) 546-9284
JoAnn LoSavio
Assistant Professor, Career Track; Coordinator, Vancouver ROOTS/Roots of Contemporary Issues
Multimedia (VMMC) 202N
(360) 546-9730
Will Luers
Scholarly Associate Professor
Multimedia (VMMC) 30
(360) 546-9189
Carmen R. Lugo-Lugo
Multimedia (VMMC) 202S
(360) 546-9641
Alair MacLean
Professor of Sociology
Multimedia (VMMC) 202H
(360) 546-9177
Renee Magnan
Associate Professor
Classroom (VCLS) 208R
(360) 546-9403
Assistant Professor of Mathematics & Statistics, Career Track
Library (VLIB) 210K
(360) 546-9876
Laurie Mercier
Claudius O. and Mary W. Johnson Distinguished Professor of History
Multimedia (VMMC) 102V
(360) 546-9646
Kevan Moffett
Associate Professor of Environmental Hydrology
Science (VSCI) 230P
(360) 546-9413
Mike Morgan
Professor of Psychology
Classroom (VCLS) 208G
(360) 546-9726
Pavithra Narayanan
Academic Director and Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Professor of English
Multimedia (VMMC) 202A
(360) 546-9732
George Newman
Associate Professor, Career Track - Teaching
Library (VLIB) 210R
(360) 546-9263
Professor of English, Director of Composition and Writing Assessment
Multimedia (VMMC) 102K
(360) 546-9513
Adenike Otoikhian
Associate Professor of Chemistry, Career Track; Program leader - Physical Sciences
Library (VLIB) 210Y
(360) 546-9626
Sue Peabody
Meyer Distinguished Professor of History
Multimedia (VMMC) 202D
(360) 546-9647
Johanna Phelps
Associate Professor
Multimedia (VMMC) 102R
(360) 546-9729
Jonah Piovia-Scott
Associate Professor
Life Sciences (VLSB) 125L
(360) 546-9657
Stephanie Porter
Associate Professor
Life Sciences (VLSB) 125G
(360) 546-9478
Christine Portfors
Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education, Eastlick Distinguished Professor Biology
Dengerink Administration Building (VDEN) 210
(360) 546-9254
Tahira Probst
Professor of Psychology
Classroom (VCLS) 208K
(360) 546-9746
Michael Rabby
Scholarly Associate Professor
Multimedia (VMMC) 28
Kandy Robertson
Professor, Career Track & Writing Center Coordinator
Library (VLIB) 203B
(360) 546-9651
Gretchen Rollwagen-Bollens
Associate Professor
Science (VSCI) 230A
(360) 546-9115
Seth Rudman
Assistant Professor, School of Biological Sciences
Life Sciences (VLSB) 125K
(360) 546-9256
Amy Salazar
Associate Professor
Undergraduate (VUB) 347
(360) 546-9733
Karen Schmaling
Professor of Psychology
Classroom (VCLS) 208D
(360) 546-9412
Cheryl Schultz
Life Sciences (VLSB) 125F
(360) 546-9525
Multimedia (VMMC) 202B
Deepti Singh
Assistant Professor, School of the Environment
Science (VSCI) 230D
(360) 546-9510
Dave Slavit
Undergraduate (VUB) 330
(360) 546-9653
Luz Rocío Sotomayor
Professor, Career Track
Library (VLIB) 210X
(360) 546-9386
Alexander Spradlin
Scholarly Associate Professor
Classroom (VCLS) 208B
(360) 546-9354
Michelle M. Steen-Adams
Research Associate
Science (VSCI) 130D
(360) 546-9724
Mark Stephan
Associate Professor
Classroom (VCLS) 208V
(360) 546-9467
Nik Strigul
Associate Professor
Science (VSCI) 230P
(360) 546-9655
Jin Sung
Assistant Professor, Career Track
Library (VLIB) 210E
(360) 546-9114
Paul Thiers
Associate Professor
Multimedia (VMMC) 102S
(360) 546-9466
Nanette Thrush
Multimedia (VMMC) 102X
(360) 546-9279
Tom Tripp
Rom Markin Leadership Chair in Business, Professor of Management, Sr. Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Classroom (VCLS) 308E
(360) 546-9754
Science (VSCI) 130L
(360) 546-9630
Jose Vazquez-Bello
Associate Professor, Career Track
Library (VLIB) 210S
(360) 546-9222
Xiuyu Wang
Associate Professor of History
Multimedia (VMMC) 102U
(360) 546-9174
Aaron Whelchel
Associate Professor, Career Track; History Advisor
Science (VSCI) 130
(360) 546-9578
Clare Wilkinson
Multimedia (VMMC) 102C
(360) 546-9574
Deb Wilmington
Associate Professor, Career Track and Pre-health and Biology Academic Advisor
Science (VSCI) 130
(360) 546-9611
Jay Wu
Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Career Track
Library (VLIB) 210W
(360) 546-9875

Adjunct Faculty

Adjunct Faculty
Library (VLIB) 210H
(360) 546-9366
Adjunct Faculty of Biology
Science (VSCI) 130L
Adjunct Faculty of English
Multimedia (VMMC) 102P
Adjunct Faculty of Art
Multimedia (VMMC) 107
(503) 545-4080
Adjunct Faculty
Science (VSCI) 130P
Adjunct English & Technical Writing Faculty
Adjunct Faculty of Criminal Justice
Multimedia (VMMC) 102P
(360) 546-9445
Adjunct Faculty of History
Multimedia (VMMC) 102P
(360) 546-9441
Jennifer Cooper
Adjunct Faculty
Multimedia (VMMC) 202P
Adjunct Faculty of Mathematics & Statistics
Library (VLIB) 210L
(360) 546-9309
Adjunct Faculty of Art
Adjunct Faculty
Paul Dragulin
Adjunct faculty of Physics and Astronomy
Undergraduate (VUB) 341
Adjunct Faculty
Adjunct Faculty
Library (VLIB) 210L
(360) 546-9309
Adjunct Faculty of Spanish
Multimedia (VMMC) 102P
Adjunct Faculty
Library (VLIB) 210H
(360) 546-9366
Adjunct Faculty
Library (VLIB) 210H
(360) 546-9366
Adjunct Faculty
Library (VLIB) 210H
(360) 546-9366
Adjunct Faculty of History
Multimedia (VMMC) 207
(360) 546-9227
Artist in Residence
Multimedia (VMMC) 111
Adjunct Faculty of Biology
Multimedia (VMMC) 202P
Adjunct Faculty of Biology
Science (VSCI) 130L
Adjunct Faculty of English
Multimedia (VMMC) 202P
(360) 546-9640
Shannon McCluskey
Adjunct Faculty of Biology and Environmental Science
Science (VSCI) 130L
Adjunct Faculty of Criminal Justice
Billy Merck
Adjunct Faculty of English
Multimedia (VMMC) 102P
(360) 546-9445
Adjunct Faculty
Classroom (VCLS) 14
Adjunct Faculty
Library (VLIB) 210H
(360) 546-9366
Christopher Pien
Adjunct Faculy of Digital Technology and Culture
Multimedia (VMMC) 111
Adjunct Faculty
Adjunct Faculty
Library (VLIB) 210L
(360) 546-9309
Adjunct Faculty
Library (VLIB) 210L
(360) 546-9309
Adjunct Faculty
Library (VLIB) 210L
(360) 546-9309
Donna Sinclair
Adjunct Faculty of History
Multimedia (VMMC) 102P
(360) 771-9310
Barb Sorg
Scientist, R.S. Dow Endowed Chair Legacy Research Institute
(503) 413-1934
Brogan Sullivan
Adjunct Faculty of English
Multimedia (VMMC) 102P
(360) 546-9640
Adjunct Faculty
Chrys Tobey
Adjunct Faculty
Multimedia (VMMC) 102P
Science (VSCI) 230J
Adjunct Faculty
Life Sciences (VLSB) 111F
Peter Williams
Adjunct Faculty, Earth Science
Science (VSCI) 230
(360) 546-9441
Willow Zheng
Adjunct Faculty of Chinese Language and Culture
Multimedia (VMMC) 102P
(360) 546-9445

Postdoctoral Researchers

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Science (VSCI) 250
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Science (VSCI) 251
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Science (VSCI) 250
Rene Shahmohamadloo
Postdoctoral Fellow

Graduate Students / Research Assistants

Tyler Baley
Teaching Assistant - Graduate
Multimedia (VMMC) 207H
(360) 771-1929
Research Assistant - Graduate
Science (VSCI) 18B
Graduate Student
Liya Boukhbinder
Teaching Assistant - Graduate
Library (VLIB) 210N
Izzy Bur
Research Assistant - Graduate
Life Sciences (VLSB) 100
Jesse Burgher
Teaching Assistant - Graduate
Life Sciences (VLSB) 100
Yi-Chun Chang
Teaching Assistant - Graduate
Classroom (VCLS) 5
Grad student
Classroom (VCLS) 310
Teaching Assistant - Graduate
Life Sciences (VLSB) 100
Research Assistant - Graduate
Life Sciences (VLSB) 100
Samantha Jaurequi Edgerton
Graduate Student
Multimedia (VMMC) 207F
Research Assistant - Graduate
Science (VSCI) 102
Teaching Assistant - Graduate
Classroom (VCLS) 310
Becca Evans
Teaching Assistant - Graduate
Life Sciences (VLSB) 100
Jacie Fabela
Teaching Assistant - Graduate
Science (VSCI) 102
Teaching Assistant - Graduate
Science (VSCI) 102
Anne-Marie Greggs
Teaching Assistant - Graduate
Library (VLIB) 210N
Julianna Hoza
Teaching Assistant - Graduate
Life Sciences (VLSB) 100
Jeanna Edlund
MS Graduate Student
Science (VSCI) 120F
Kelsey King
Graduate Student
Life Sciences (VLSB) 100
Chelsea Kopp
Teaching Assistant - Graduate
Multimedia (VMMC) 207D
(360) 546-9620
Grad student
Multimedia (VMMC) 207J
Amanda Laverty
Graduate Student
Science (VSCI) 250
Rebecca Lindgren
Graduate Student
Classroom (VCLS) 5
(360) 546-9450
Teaching Assistant - Graduate
Life Sciences (VLSB) 100
Jess Mitchell
Teaching Assistant - Graduate
Science (VSCI) 102
Angeliqua Montoya
Teaching Assistant - Graduate
Life Sciences (VLSB) 100
Nathaniel Neal
Graduate Student
Science (VSCI) 102
Graduate Student
Library (VLIB) 210N
Eric Prileson
Research Assistant - Graduate
Life Sciences (VLSB) 100
Teaching Assistant - Graduate
Science (VSCI) 102
Luke Reyes
Graduate Student
Bianca Wong Rodriguez
Graduate Student
Teaching Assistant - Graduate
Classroom (VCLS) 310
Graduate Student
Multimedia (VMMC) 207B
Rikeem Sholes
Graduate Student
Life Sciences (VLSB) 100
Teaching Assistant - Graduate
Classroom (VCLS) 310
Graduate Student
Science (VSCI) 104
Elizabeth Thompson
Research Assistant - Graduate
Library (VLIB) 210N
Ryan Wagner
Research Assistant - Graduate
Life Sciences (VLSB) 100
Graduate Student
Science (VSCI) 104
Teaching Assistant - Graduate
Library (VLIB) 210N


Jamie Anoai-Shroyer
Administrative Assistant
Multimedia (VMMC) 202
(360) 546-9575
Jen Barnes
Administrative Manager
Multimedia (VMMC) 202 second floor reception
(360) 546-9640
Katrina Choi
Academic Coordinator
Science (VSCI) 130B
(360) 546-9664
Janet DeWitt
Administrative Specialist
Classroom (VCLS) 208
(360) 546-9720
Academic Coordinator
Science (VSCI) 130E
(360) 546-9459
Academic Coordinator
Science (VSCI) 130
(360) 546-9084
Dawn Freeman
Instruction and Classroom Support Technician
Science (VSCI) 110
(360) 546-9628
CASAC Staff Support
Science (VSCI) 130
(360) 546-9620
Jordan Jackson
Academic Coordinator
Undergraduate (VUB) 308
(360) 546-9075
Fiscal Analyst
Multimedia (VMMC) 102
(360) 546-9597
Erin Leverman
Academic Coordinator
Science (VSCI) 130
(360) 546-9451
Procurement and Supply Specialist
Science (VSCI) 230
(360) 546-9614
Art Technician
Multimedia (VMMC) 107A
(360) 546-9491
Office Assistant
Science (VSCI) 230
(360) 546-9642
Shellynda Michalek
Minor & Certificate Advisor
Science (VSCI) 130
(360) 546-9106
Graduate Program Coordinator
Life Sciences (VLSB) 125
(360) 546-9630
Instructional and Classroom Support Technician
Science (VSCI) 117
(360) 546-9628
Instruction and Classroom Support Technician
Classroom (VCLS) 8
(360) 546-9282
Greg Philbrook
CMDC Technician
Multimedia (VMMC) 115A
(360) 546-9206
Ciara Seppala
Administrative Specialist
Library (VLIB) 210C
(360) 546-9441
Research Assistant
Science (VSCI) 220
(360) 546-9134


Candice Goucher
Professor Emerita of History
Professor Emerita of Languages, Culture, and Race
Barry Hewlett
Emeritus Professor of Anthropology
Jackie Peterson
Professor Emerita of History
Carol Siegel
Professor Emerita of English
Elizabeth Soliday
Professor Emeritus
Steve Sylvester
Professor Emeritus